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Scrumptious Salads


There are no limits to our salad creations. We plan to explore Warm Salads, Cold Salads, Green Salads, Bean Salads, Fruit Salads even Dessert Salads. 


Making a lifestyle change can start with as simple as incorporating one salad a day into your everyday meals. It super-convenient and you can even utilize some leftovers into it.


We are on journey to incorporate medicinal herbs like basil, garlic, lemon juice or parsley to our salads. Our Scrumptious Salad recipes journeys are full of flavor, exciting seasonal local ingredients and nutrients.

Healthy Meals


Committing to a healthy diet is easier than you think. On this website we will give you tons of inspiration to help you make the switch. The key is not to diet but rather create lifestyle habits by preparing delicious, fast, easy lean meals.


Preplan around your cravings and prepare in advance your weekday lunches. Create an environment where there is a healthier alternative ready to go. A few small changes is all you need to get started and here we will inspire you with creative healthy lean meals. 


In our recipes, we encourage you to use quality produce. We use a lot of local seasonal, biologic and organic produce for the best flavors. Join us on this journey as we transform into a leaner lifestyle and adopt healthy habits. 

Delicious Desserts



Antoine loves his zen moments in the kitchen exploring low glycemic desserts and incorporating local organic products into his creations.


Some of our desserts are vegan and some are vegetarian based. We often explore creations using almond and chickpea flour.


Check out some of our creations and satisfy your sweet tooth with these easy documented steps, perfect for vegans and non-vegans alike.​​

Soup Sensation



Who doesn't love a warm bowl of soup on perhaps a cold rainy or snowy day? Soups are packed with nutrients and incredibly nourishing for digestion.


We love making both smooth and chunky soups. Depending on the season and the available produce soups are a fun easy way of getting your daily veg servings in on one meal.


Check out some of our creations and share with us your favourite soup meals.

Incredible Smoothies



One of the first things we bought upon landing in Canada; to start a new chapter in our lives was the purchase of a Blentech 725. This machine is amazing! we began experimenting and creating delicious healthy Smoothies, Nut Butters, Salad Dressings, Sauces and Almond or Oat Flour. We sometimes call this machine “Merlin”, “Its just magical and the possibilities are endless”.


If you are serious of making a lifestyle change, we highly recommend that you invest in a high-speed blender.


Smoothies are a grate way to get your fiber along with your fruits and vegetable dose. They are simple, quick and delicious! The basic building blocks of smoothies are leafy greens + fruit + liquid-base. To create that thick icy consistency simply freeze your fruits ahead of time, using ice tends to dilute the overall taste.


Join us on this journey as we discover incredible smoothie recipes and adopt a leaner daily lifestyle. 


Smart Snacking


We all get the munchies from time to time. The key to staying on track is to plan your day with smart snacking options.


Surrounding your environment at home, car and work with healthy snacking options can make or break your diet. Once you get to use to reaching for these options and keep then handy they become a lifestyle change.


Check out some of our creative snack options. We love fruits, nuts, seeds and often throw some vegis in the mix to keep things balanced.


Juicing Seasonal Produce



We are a huge fan of Juicing! Growing up int he Caribbean, mom always made fresh orange juice and sometimes she would mix it with grapefruit, pineapple or passion depending on what was in season and growing in our garden. We began researching juicing of vegetables and creating blends with fruits. Using seasonal produce in your juices provides the tastiest juices bursting with rich flavors. 


Juicing is the fastest way to catch up on your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, not to mention the best way to trick your friends or kids into drinking things like Celery and Kale :)


You're bound to find some amazing juice recipes through her creative combinations of leafy greens, red, orange and purple veggies mixed with delicious seasonal fruits for natural sweetening. 

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